for the monthly jobs report. when you get a headline number like what we got today, just seeing 88,000 jobs, in the $200,000 anticipated, traders on wall street baffled, futures tanking and the dow jones industrials, 14,494, the lowest point, thirty-four to be sixty points improved to the lowest point. but we are down triple digits, down 100 points. the s&p is down when to present and the nasdaq to the downside. techs are down 1.1%. on the dow jones industrials, the weakest names in percentage terms are among hewlett-packard, cisco systems, ibm. those are the names that away now. the banks have improved some, tipping off their earlier lows. i ve got to take a look at the fear index which is at $14.63, showing the worries and fear in the market, we have seen volatility since march 20th. it is up, it is down. yesterday was up, today is down. shows you back-and-forth action along with it. cheryl: the dodd jobs report sending shockwaves, 88,000 jobs added in march. that is far