Posted1/22/2021 1:00 AM
According to the Google Genie, well-designed pre-election polling has a margin error of plus-or-minus 3 points. What can we learn from pre-election polling and post-election results from RealClearPolitics data which is independent of any political party affiliation?
Nationally, of all states combined, Biden did more poorly than the polls predicted: +7.2% down to 3.8%
What about the polls vs. election results in the 12 battleground swing states?
In two states, the election results matched the polls NV (Dem +2.4 to +2.4), PA (Dem +1.2 to +1.2)
In one state only, Biden did better than the polls MN (Dem +4.3 up to +7.2)
In three states, Biden s results were less than predicted AZ (Dem +0.9 down to +0.3); MI (Dem +0.9 down to +0.3); WI (Dem +0.9, down to +0.3).