Will Artificial Intelligence decimate human intelligence, and have the potential to derail the writing, research and comprehension abilities of our children? And in turn, turn them into slaves of machines and algorithms? Human evolution is.
Depicted is a 1TB (8,000,000,000,000 binary digits) hard drive that recently failed to perform as it should. It was previously located inside a desktop
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The Machine’s Gambit
The game of Chess was changed by immensely by the advent of computers allowing people to enjoy practice by themselves without the need for a human opponent.
Recently we have talked extensively about computer games and virtual worlds created by humans. However, I want to talk about a physical game that we brought computers into, Chess.
Non-human players
For a long time, automatic chess machines were the interest of people. From 1770 till 1854 ‘The Turk’ was once famed as the first automatic chess machine which won games from players all over Europe and the Americas. However this wonder was exactly that, a