brian: whoever they are. ainsley: introduce each hour that he wants water and sunrise. brian: i like that. ainsley: brian got snow. will: ski slope. brian: for ainsley. you she misses it. ainsley: i love the snow. every city needs a little bit of snow every winter for the kids. brian: just to hydroplane instead of gripping the road. ainsley: to build a snowman. brian: you have to commit to making a snowman. let me say something? overrated. make one snowman, okay. this is it. ainsley: what about the snow angel? not overrated, that s eadsy. will: that s overrated too. lay in the snow goes up your sleeves and back of your coat. brian: spoken like a guy who never did it in texas. ainsley: welcome. glad you are here this morning. will: on pins and needings to see what it will be like at 8:00 a.m. brian: you re right it will be interesting. ainsley: 8:00. will: asking former presidents and vice presidents if they have any classified documents in
migrants from certain countries into the u.s. each and every month. situation is basically granting parolee status to these status who these people coming across the border illegally. all that will do is to spur even more people to rush the border. thinking that they, too. will get parolee status. abbott also says president biden is misleading americans by saying there is a decrease in illegal border crossings. and calling all goody s fans, this is your chance to visit the famous oregon home where the 80 kids classic was filmed. new homeowner says all goonies welcome to the house where this truthfully shuffle became famous. do it. come on. do it.
corporate america take off, look at the stock market, the dow hitting 23,000. it s taken off. it s doing fine and dandy. companies have plenty of money. they re choosing not to pay their workers more because they re not forced to. it will result in share backs, dividends or investments that don t necessarily result in hiring for people and paying anyone more. the last time there was repatriation in 2004, even companies that said they would pay their people more didn t. why do they always put estate tax in. every one of the goody s bag includes the estate tax. you can give your kids $5 million per parent and there s no tax. it s only when you get beyond 11 total that it affects people s taxes. there are not that many people with $11 million to give their kids. why don t they keep doing snit. dare i say, it doesn t impact those people. who are some of the highest paid most skilled lawyers, the ones with the biggest beach houses in your neighborhood? tax lawyers. it s what they do.
anyway. but he is. he s talking taxes. he s releasing his tax returns today. but you know what, early start has the early look. we got all those facts and details of why everybody is up in arms. what did he make and paid out? the florida debate. it was a little nasty and personal. romney is saying no more mr. nice guy. going after gingrich with gloves off. tivo or pop the popcorn now. it s the annual state of the union. even though one of his terms didn t have a state of the union. we re going to have that tonight. what is president obama going to do? a campaign speech or a blueprint for the economy? this was breaking news yesterday. the deadly tornadoes in alabama. it s the second time for those folks in less than a year. the red cross is responding. there are two people dead, hundreds of homes destroyed in that area. pictures are difficult to see. but up first here, we re going to start with the tale of the 10 o 40s. in less than four hours, the mitt romney camp will
military families and it is very much appreciated. the country singer to come out in support us and do it for free is the most wonderful thing. a goody s traction. it gets our mind off of the norm. i think it is great because it shows that they actually stand behind soldiers. reporter: and trace feels their love. it is the most appreciated crowd you will ever play for. these guys and girls are over there giving these people a chance to at least live in the country where they can survive and hopefully prosper some day. reporter: between now and the end of the year the uso a planning 14 holiday tours with robin williams, sugarland and katie perry. they have like to get more female superstars to go overseas. all of the programs are donor based. to support their cause head to in new york, courtney friel,