Ben Elton performs his latest stand-up show in Christchurch this month as part of a national tour.
VICKI ANDERSON offers a few highlights of events in Ōtautahi Christchurch this weekend and beyond. Mosque attack survivor, Mazharuddin Syed Ahmed is one of the most beautiful people I’ve had the good fortune to meet. Since that fateful day he has devoted his attention to painstakingly documenting every act of aroha and support shown to our Muslim community. An academic, he has developed a course that aims to spread aroha in our society. He still struggles with what happened that day and has hard times but has turned his focus to helping to create a positive future. His presentation, Ferns of Aroha, is on Friday, make time for it if you can. I imagine he will be nervous so show up and support him. You won’t regret it.
Friday, 7.30pm-10pm at Boo Radley’s. Ben Hurley is known for his TV appearances on
7 Days,
The Project, The Comedy Gala, and AotearoHA, as well winning an NZICF Billy T Award, a Fred Award, and NZCG Best Male Comedian and Best MC awards. Now he’s back for another show in Christchurch. His comedy is largely based on his experience growing up in rural Taranaki, but also covers politics, religion, relationships, music and family.
Chris McKeen/Stuff
Ben Hurley is back in Christchurch for a comedy show at Boo Radley’s on Friday. (File photo) The Cool Mum Friday, 8pm-9pm, at Good Times Comedy Club.
VICKI ANDERSON offers a few highlights of events in Ōtautahi Christchurch this weekend and beyond. Last Saturday, Lieutenant Guisung Lee, a top bloke and genuine hero who once saved someone’s life, took me on a guided tour of the HMNZS Canterbury. She (ships are she apparently) was in port at Lyttelton 10 years ago when the earthquake struck, and her crew provided immediate support in Lyttelton at the time. Up and down a dizzying array of stairs we went, traversing the Moorhouse Ave wing to Fitzgerald Ave, I met wonderful people, saw incredible views and learnt interesting things (they spend $9000 a month on sweets and have an ace basketball net). I somehow got a bruise on my knee in the shape of Australia on a fake fire made of cardboard used for drills. A passing man in uniform found it amusing (it was) and, lifting his eyebrows, asked if I was OK.
Anika Moa performs Christmas carols with the New Zealand Army Band at the Christchurch Town Hall on Sunday.
VICKI ANDERSON offers a few highlights of events in Ōtautahi Christchurch this weekend and beyond. FAITH, CULTURE, COMMUNITY A new exhibition at Canterbury Museum – Mosque: Faith, Culture, Community – aims to “demystify Islam for non-Muslim New Zealanders”. It highlights the mosque as the heart of Muslim communities, and the diversity of Islamic culture showcased through art and objects. “Our hope is that in working with local Muslims we have created uplifting experience for our visitors, one that highlights the diversity of Islamic art, architecture and culture,” museum director Anthony Wright said in a statement.
VICKI ANDERSON offers a few highlights of events in Ōtautahi Christchurch this weekend and beyond. There are lots of events happening in the city right now, so make the most if it. Now the Krypton Factor of juggling that is the school summer holiday looms for parents, aside from Santa s Mega Grotto to keep people entertained there are lots of free events and art exhibitions, from the pop-up penguins and Ceramics Expo to the annual exhibition of the Silversmith Guild of Canterbury and the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition. CHRIST! WHAT A NIGHT Perhaps the perfect ending to a strange year, Little Andromeda s Christmas show, Christ! What A Night is shaping up to be a real gift, with multiple performances until December 19. This festive treat stars Chris Parker and Tom Sainsbury, as well as Ōtautahi talent Bianca Seinafo and Tom Eason.