The events of Good Friday are followed by Holy Saturday - the last day of the Holy Week observance. On this day, the burial of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem took place, paving the way for the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday. Good Friday 2023 Images & HD Wallpapers for Free Download Online: Observe Holy Friday 2023 by Sharing Teachings, Bible Verses, Thoughts and Quotes With Loved Ones.
Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus and his death at Calvary. Also known as Holy Friday, this marks an important day for Christians across the world.
Good Friday 2023: Good Friday has been observed as a day of mourning and a sorrowful day in the history of Christianity. On the occasion of Good Friday, here are some of the teachings and quotes by Jesus Christ
Good Friday 2023: Good Friday prayers begin at 12 pm and conclude around 3 pm. These were the ‘Three Hours' Agony’ which Jesus spent on the cross before being pulled down