launched, the very simple idea, a web site that offers photo shares, building tips, designs of front and back porches. it went from about 30 viewers had they launched, to about 9,000 viewers a day, attracting advertising dollars. which has now allowed the couple to work from home. we really put our heart and soul into it for 18 months until we saw there s a possibility that we could leave the corporate world and work from home cause we started seeing a lot of traffic coming in and started earning enough money to where we felt like we could leave the corporate job. now, we met two other entrepreneurs who weren t in the corporate world for very long before they knew it just wasn t for them. two girls opened, which has morphed into a clothing boutique in east nashville. they re open seven days a week. they ve been featured in national magazines and the girls tell us it was an emotional transition leaving the security of a desk job.