“Kokdu: Season of Deity” recently premiered with famous stars Kim Jung Hyun and Im Soo Hyang. In the fantasy series, the pair portrays longtime lovers, who were tragically separated by curses and time, reuniting in the present day. Kim Jung Hyun is cursed god Kokdu while Im Soo Hyang is an ER doctor named Han
Official cast members of the "Crash Landing on You" musical has been announced featuring three actors playing Captain Ri and three actresses playing Yoon Seri.
Here are some of the most talked-about second lead characters that illustrate major second lead syndrome. #CrashLandingonYou, #TheWorldOfTheMarried #TheHeirs #ItaewonClass #YumisCells, #SecondLeadFemaleCharacters
Seo Ji-hye s agency, Culture Depot confirmed,
We received an offer to appear in Kiss Six Sense and are currently considering it.
Kiss Six Sense is a work that tells the story of an artist who has the ability to see the future when kissing, accidentally kissing his boss, Min-hoo Cha on the neck, and then sees the future together. It is based on the webtoon of the same name.
Yoon Kye-sang and
2004 SBS drama My brother-in-law is nineteen . Through
Kiss Six Sense , people are looking forward to seeing if they will be able to reunite after 17 years and work together with romance.
Can you guess which Crash Landing on You episode it is by a simple screenshot? Take our fun quiz to find out
Crash Landing on You has already achieved cult status amongst K-drama enthusiasts and we want to know how knowledgeable you are when it comes to the Hyun Bin, Son Ye-jin, Seo Ji-hye and Kim Jung-hyun drama s episodes. Take our fun quiz below to find out. Written By
Karishma Shetty 2260608 reads Mumbai Updated: February 7, 2021 07:35 pm Can you guess which Crash Landing on You episode it is by a simple screenshot? Take our fun quiz to find out
2020 was flooded with an array of amazing Korean shows for K-drama enthusiasts to consume, especially at a time of a global pandemic. Amongst the several, we had