all they had to do was explain to them why they were stopping him. he said, why are you stopping me? you all are doing a lot. all they had to do was tell him why they were stopping him. and they didn t do it. they kept going. so what i i may have run, too, if i a bunch of people just ran up to my car and pulled me out and became aggressive. i might do the same thing. so he runs and then they find him. it is obvious, the man is trying to run home to his mom. that s when he s trying to do. so they get him in the neighborhood, and then they catch they put him on the ground and you hear them talking crap again, your mom, she can t hear you, as if your mom can hear you, and i m gonna taze or pepper spray the shit out of you, i m going to baton the f out of you. they re saying all of these things. why? what is need for that? and then they get him on the ground and this pole camera, you re right, it is the most damning. listen, i have to be honest. this is bad in that this young