By Ana Gomez Salcido and Sandra G. Leon
an Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer has asked the City Council to place a proposed hotel room tax increase on the November ballot to fund expansion of the Convention Center, repair local streets, and deal with homelessness in the City.
Mayor Faulconer’s proposal outlines a staggered hotel tax increase that would add 1% to all hotel rooms in the City of San Diego, an additional 1% to hotels between SR56 and SR54, and another 1% for all hotels within downtown. The proposed tax increases would in place for up to 40 years.
“The Mayor is proposing a ballot measure to increase the lodging revenue that the City collects from tourists to fund the expansion through voter approved debt, and is proposing to leverage this opportunity to address two more of San Diego’s biggest issues – homelessness and repairing our roads,” states a report to the City Council issued by the Mayor last week.
Sweetwater District To Examine Shady Land Deal
By Ana Gomez Salcido
The Sweetwater Union High School District Board approved the assistance of a an outside financial group to examine a property deal made by then-Superintendent Ed Brand in 2005.
The School Board approved the deal on a 5 to 0 vote during the regular board meeting held at their administration center board room on Monday, June 13.
The land deal involves a property on L Street in Chula Vista near Bay Boulevard purchased by the District in 2005. Critics have complained for years that the land deal seems suspicious both in the way it was purchased and how it was handled by Superintendent Brand. The District spent $24 million in bond dollars to purchase the property, but transferred the ownership to a non-profit organization called the California Trust for Public Schools, and an LLC called Plan Nine Partners.
Mayoral Candidates Present Ideas to Hispanic Groups
By Ana Gomez Salcido
On Wednesday night, City of San Diego Mayoral candidates presented their stance on issues in an event organized by local Hispanic groups.
The event organized by the Latino American Political Association (LAPA), Albondigas of South County, and the San Diego County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce was held at a Cuban restaurant in San Diego.
Former San Diego City Councilmember, Ed Harris and San Diego Mayor, Kevin L. Faulconer, both candidates on the ballot for City of San Diego mayor, attended the event. Lori Saldaña, mayoral candidate and former California State Assembly member, was not present at the event.
Local Binational Delegation Travels to Washington
By Ana Gomez Salcido
A binational delegation of San Diego and Baja California business leaders will head to Washington, D.C. this month to meet with legislators and policy officials to advocate for border projects.
The trip, organized by the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce, is scheduled from September 25 to September 28.
“We have been doing this trip for over seven years and it gives us the opportunity as a binational region to go to Washington and talk to legislators about border issues, the economy on both sides, and other issues,” said San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Jerry Sanders. “We are the only chamber in the country that does a binational delegation, so we get really good meetings because of the number of different people that are out there.”
Trump Makes San Diego Trip in First Presidential Tour of California
By Ana Gomez Salcido
In regards to homeland security, there is no other option other than building a new wall that divides Mexico from the United States, this according to President Donald Trump during his visit to San Diego on Tuesday, March 13.
In his first visit to California since he became president on Jan. 20, 2017, Trump arrived on Air Force One at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar at approximately at 11:30 a.m.
He then traveled to Otay Mesa, to the site where the eight border wall prototypes were built, just a few feet from the Mexican border.