Nairobi Water Shortage Hits State House
5 May 2021 - 9:09 am
President Uhuru Kenyatta and First Lady Margaret Kenyatta at State House for the 91st Annual St John Inspection Parade at State House in 2019
The frequent water shortages in Nairobi, occasioned by interruption of supply, have not spared even the most powerful office in the land - State House.
Nairobi Water and Sewerage Company has listed State House as one of the areas which will be affected by the interruption of water supply.
According to a notice published on Tuesday, May 4, the water will be cut off from 6:00 am on Thursday, May 6 to Friday, May 7, 6:00 am.
The interruption was caused by ongoing repair on the Sasumua treated water transmission pipeline at the Aberdare forest and the interconnection of the Kabete Reservoirs outlet pipes with the relocated distribution pipeline along Waiyaki Way at the Communication Authority Headquarters due to the ongoing construction of Waiyaki Way – Rironi road.
“Once the works are completed, it will enable release of the road section between Communication Authority Headquarters and the junction of James Gichuru and Waiyaki Way to the Waiyaki Way – Rironi Road Contractor,” the notice read in part.
Areas set to be affected by the water shirtage include Riruta, Kawangware, Dagoretti Corner and Ngando all located along Naivasha Road.
Mercy Asamba |
February 1st 2021 at 11:55:14 GMT +0300
Nairobi residents will from Wednesday experience an interruption of water supply, specifically those customers who are served by Kabete Water Works.
According to the Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company, the interruption will start on February 3 at 6 am to February 4 at 6 am.
Areas to be affected include will be Riruta, Kawangware, Dagoretti Corner, Ngando, Kilimani, City mortuary, Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi hospital, Coptic hospital, State House, Department of Defense headquarters, Lavington, Kileleshwa, Kibera and Forces Memorial Hospital.
Others include: Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI), Golf Course Estate, Kenyatta Market, Karen, areas along Gatanga Road, Lang’ata Estates, Makadara, KWS, St Mary’s Hospital, Strathmore University, Wilson Airport, among others.
The interruption is occasioned by the shutdown of water pumps at Uthiru and Dagoretti to facilitate an upgrade.
The upgrade of the pumping stations situated at Kabete Water Works will see the two water pumps improved to pump additional 25,000 cubic metres of water to Karen, Riruta, Satellite, Kawangware and Uthiru areas among others.
The shutdown will see water supply to areas served by the two pumps go without water for between Wednesday, February 3, 2021 and Thursday, February 4, 2021.
Areas set to be affected by the water supply interruption include Riruta, Kawangware, Dagoretti Corner and Ngando; all along Naivasha Road.
Installations and estates along Ngong’ Road including Kilimani, City Mortuary, Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH), Nairobi Hospital, Coptic Hospital, State House, Department of Defence Headquarters, Lavington, Kileleshwa and Kibera will also be affected.
obviously, this has gotten to be the winter white house for the president just as new jersey golf course estate is in the summertime. obviously, you obviously lock it down and make it secure. how does this happen? that s the problem, neil, you can t really lock down a club like mar-a-lago. you have a number of members who pay a very high amount of money, about $200,000 initiation fee, plus their monthly bill, so it s a very exclusive club and for that reason, you just, you can t shut it down like you can the white house or camp david. neil: you know, the chinese have always been suspected of spying on us and locking in and copying data from corporations who want to do business there, even if they don t, and spying on military operations, but when you can work your way up to the most powerful man on the planet, at that gets a little scary. it s a problem, neil.