Organizational behavior is driven by metrics and measurements, which can compel change more effectively than a flurry of management directives from th.
In Crimea, Russia engineered annexation through its little green men. In the South China Sea, China has used its paramilitary maritime militia, in concert with its Coast Guard and People’s Liberation Army Navy, to incrementally impose its diktat well beyond any accepted international notion of jurisdictional waters.
Why can’t the United States compete in the gray zone with China and Russia? It’s not outmoded military capabilities, intelligence gaps, or failed strategies. Fundamentally, it’s because the United States isn’t organized for modern great-power competition.
The unfortunate demise of first CDS Gen Bipin Rawat in the recent tragic helicopter accident is a major blow to the restructuring and reform process of the Indian military. He was a pusher and a man in a hurry. It needs a man like Gen Rawat who can take bold decisions, right or wrong, to initiate radical changes.