so, it was under a republican administration and it was under a democratic administration. so, how do they influence the politicians so much to be able to get all that money from us? cenk, one of the things i discovered an shocking to me, how very little money it takes for goldman sachss to influence congress and, you know, frankly presidential candidates. goldman sachs has always been continuously one of the leading financiers of congressional campaigns and presidential campaigns that end do it on both sides political aisle. they are bipartisan. and guess what it? works to their benefit. when you have i mean, when you have the republican administration, the bush administration, the obama administration so dedicated to re-establishing the status quo after this crisis as quickly as they possibly could, it s no surprise that you ve got people like larry summers and tim geithner who are part of the architecture and ben bernanke you part of the a sec sure of the bailout carried of near
problem. it s not sustainable. we cannot continue to i get that. what politicians have done, it s easy to buy. it s easy to give people what they want, whether it s any of the things that you mentioned or anything else. what is difficult to do what takes courage to do what is the responsible thing to do is say, look, if we re gonna buy x, y or z, we are gonna pay for it. why should the american taxpayer or the american individual be asked sacrifice, whether it is a poor person seeing reduced funding because of a need to cut the budget or a taxpayer asked to pay more in taxes to fund the system when the actual systems of health care, energy, defense, are the things that are costing us so much and are so profitable for the special interests that fund the politicians? dylan, as you know, the house of representatives in the last congress passed legislation on many of those subjects. the health care bill, the affordable health care act,
viqueira at the white house today. hi, mike. hi, dylan. what do you think the president achieved here? first of all, he has a position heading into this big debate about the bet death ceiling. the debt ceiling in a will be exceeded, statutorily set by congress, raised a as routine matter many, many times over the course of the last several years, seven times during the bush administration as a matter of fact, but this time, republicans say no more. it s not going to be passed, it s not going to be raised, $14.3 trillion in debt right now this country is in, unless there is a serious plan attached to it, says speaker john boehner to reduce spending to reduce the size of government and ultimately, to reduce the debt some-to-that end, republicans have their plan on the there are of the house thursday and friday it has been pilloried by democrats and the president spent dylan, you saw the speech, how much time, what proportion of the speech did he spend casting a distinction betwee