“The era when anyone could encroach upon India’s land has passed and no one can dare to eye its border,” Union Home Minister Amit Shah said here on Monday.
Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Monday launched 'Vibrant Villages Programme' (VVP) in Arunachal Pradesh's village Kibithoo in Anjaw district, which shares borders with China and Myanmar.With central share of Rs 4,800 crore including Rs 2500 .
Union Home Minister Amit Shah will launch 'Vibrant Villages Programme' (VVP) on April 10 in Arunachal Pradesh's border village Kibithoo under Anjaw District, which shares borders with China and Myanmar.With central components of Rs 4,800 crore .
Itanagar: Union Home Minister Amit Shah will launch ‘Vibrant Villages Programme’ (VVP) on April 10 in Arunachal Pradesh’s border village Kibithoo under Anjaw Di