Zac and Jake Golden are the founders of Golden Environmental Laboratory.
The brothers began offering a name-your-price cleaning service where businesses and residents can pay whatever they can no questions asked.
They said sometimes it s been challenging but helping people makes it all worth it.
By: Brian Mueller
Maybe about the only thing more difficult than starting a business during a pandemic is starting one with your brother. There’s definitely some challenges butting heads and stuff like that. I’m the youngest, so I have to always be right, said Jake Golden, vice-president of Golden Environmental Laboratory.
But all kidding aside, Jake and his brother Zac work well together, and that’s a necessity in getting their new business going.
We caught up with them at Papa Dio’s at May and Hefner, just about a month after they launched Golden Environmental Laboratory.
City of Tifton transitions to new garbage collector Ryland takes over on Jan. 1. (Source: City of Tifton) By Dave Miller | December 29, 2020 at 3:50 PM EST - Updated December 29 at 3:50 PM
TIFTON, Ga. (WALB) - The City of Tifton has contracted with Ryland Environmental for all residential and commercial solid waste collections inside the city, effective January 1, 2021, according to a release from the city.
Golden Environmental has been the exclusive contract provider for residential and solid waste for the city for the last six years but after a thorough review by the solid waste committee and many discussions about complaints and service-related issues, the collection contract was put out to bid to evaluate comparable services, pricing and value, according to the city.