MCX December gold futures traded in the green on Friday at Rs 60,459 per 10 gram, up by Rs 141, or 0.23%. Meanwhile, the December silver futures were trading at Rs 72,025 per kg, higher by Rs 409 or 0.57%.
MCX Gold futures have gained nearly Rs 3,000 or 5.21% in October largely aided by the Israel-Hamas crisis since last week, Anuj Gupta, Head Commodity & Currency, HDFC Securities said. As for Silver futures, the gains are to the tune of 2.90% or Rs 2,025 on the month-to-date basis, he added.
Meanwhile, the December silver futures were trading at Rs 70,785 per kg, lower by Rs 252 or 0.58%. Both gold and silver gained over 4% in the week gone by.
The MCX December gold futures were trading at Rs 59,040 per 10 gram, down by Rs 368, or 0.62%. Meanwhile, the December silver futures were trading at Rs 70,870 per kg, lower by Rs 417 or 0.58%. Both gold and silver gained over 4% in the week gone by.
Gold futures are up 0.55% or Rs 318 on the month-to-date basis while they have gained 5.72% or Rs 2,901 on the year-to-date basis, Gupta said. As for Silver futures, the declines are 1.12% or Rs 783 in October while the declines this year stand at 0.49% or Rs 339, he said.