In the wake of an attack on the Hindu community in the Sahapara area of Narail’s Lohagora upazila yesterday, 21 eminent citizens today (July 16) condemned the incident and expressed concern.
The “22nd Bangladesh Udichi Shilpigoshthi National Conference” began yesterday at the capital’s Mohanagor Natyo Mancha. The three-day event kicked off with the national anthem and Udichi's very own organisational song 'Udichi Amon E Ek Ayna'. The artistes of Udichi greeted the audience with two melodious cultural songs, paying a tribute to Bangali folk culture.
“When the Language Movement was still in its infancy, Principal Abul Kashem nurtured it with a mother’s care. We were inspired by his company, most of which was hosted by 19 Azimpur.”