demonstration and that i m surgeon hundreds of people have told him they saw the same thing because hundreds of people have told me they saw the same thing that i m wrong. i don t think we should fact check memory, and i also think most of the american people have moved past this debate and want to talk about other things that i did in the interview. you wrote recently i want to get this right. you said that trump has turned the terrorism debate into an extension of the immigration debate that powered his candidacy this summer. what do you mean by that? why is donald trump going on and on and on about this? it s not just that he s dishonest. it s that he s dishonest about something which is very, very important. what he s implicitly doing is questioning the loyalty of american muslims. he s also called for closing mosques. he s talked about registering muslims. he moved from demonizing mexicans in the summer to now demonizing muslims after the paris attack. we re seeing the num
the city s police chief says stopping these kinds of shootings needs to be a top priority. these egregious acts seem to keep go ing on and on and on and it happened. and the important thing is how do we move forward in this community and this nation? . an anti-abortion group is barred from releasing more video slamming planned parenthood. on friday a federal judge issued a restraining order against the center for medical progress. the group has released four videos targeting the organization, even defying a california judge s order. the recordings appear to show planned parenthood staff negotiating prices for aborted fetal tissue. planned parenthood denies the allegation in the videos. the wrestling bad guy known
employers and they are passing on the coast to their employees. here is douglas aiken, a republican economist. the things they were doing were making their employees pay more of the cost, given them less generous insurance or get out of the business of providing health insurance. none of those are good news for average american. what republicans have really been saying if you re going to keep delaying or out right appeal employer mandate you should do the same for individual mandate, much bigger and effects more people, so you can do it across the board. the white house is saying, robert gibbs is wrong, we re not going to appeal it. all right. the story keeps going on and on. ed, thanks much. more from the white house as they react to claims the white house secretly built cuban twitter to stir unrest and trigger cuban spring. documents detailing how a program that lasted two years used cell phone text messaging
yet another sexting scandal. with the democratic primary two days away and anthony wiener way down in the polls the press is still on his case. he responded sharply to a heckler who taunted him. that s very nice. in front of children, that is charming. you are disgusting. it takes one to know one, [bleep]. why is this man still news? joining us now is michelle connell, washington correspondent for the daily beast and the digital politics editor and anchor of power play on fox welcome, michelle. my question is this video of anthony wiener going on and on and on after this guy verbally accosted him. why is it big news? everybody loves a train wreck and anthony wiener has been a pretty consistent train wreck for the last several months. while as a congressman he wasn t that great and as a mayoral candidate he is down
yet another sexting scandal. with the democratic primary two days away and anthony wiener way down in the polls the press is still on his case. he responded sharply to a heckler who taunted him. that s very nice. in front of children, that is charming. you are disgusting. it takes one to know one, [bleep]. why is this man still news? joining us now is michelle connell, washington correspondent for the daily beast and the digital politics editor and anchor of power play on fox welcome, michelle. my question is this video of anthony wiener going on and on and on after this guy verbally accosted him. why is it big news? everybody loves a train wreck and anthony wiener has been a pretty consistent train wreck for the last several months. while as a congressman he wasn t that great and as a mayoral candidate he is down