by the wayside, so it was out there, but the redskins, it is a point of pride for the redskins and anybody who is a fan, it represents courage, and that is why it is okay and people are okay with it. it is interesting that you say that, because i lived in atlanta when the atlanta braves were on fire, and even jane fonda was doing the tomahawk chop. and she caught a lot of crap for it. and i will have to tell you that i interviewed many native americans and with one or two exceptions, it was not a problem at all. well, is it a problem for a lot of them. from 2008 and that means 77 years where the redskins had the name which was not a problem as opposed to the 85th year, and you are characterizing it accurately, one tribe that got momentum with it, and harry reid is stopping everything on the senate floor to say it is go g ing to have to change, a as if we don t have a economy flopping and problem in the middle east. and now with a 2 to the 1 margin, they have decided that the
to get jeb bush s brother elected, seemed to be backtracking on what jeb bush had to say, and this is tuesday, karl rove. the point he was making is that people come here by and large because they want to work in order to provide for their families. that is something that a lot of people, even opponents of immigration reform acknowledge and recognize, but he said it in an inartful way and the key is not to make this ker flufl into a mistake, and he is going to be hit by this if he becomes a candidate, and it will be tossed back to him. well sh, if it is tossed baco him, it is raising questions not only just about the bill, but the elections coming up. well, the republicans will be seen as the party who blocks reform, and speaker boehner knows that, and eventually, it is go g ing to hurt republicansd
ing on here, but you have to see it. [ bleep ], and you are a [ bleep ]. you are a [ bleep ] stop. you throwing a fit. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. you ain t talking that [ bleep ] now. say, [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. that is why you can t fight. you a [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. you a [ bleep ]. you a [ bleep ]. and you are a [ bleep ]. as a mother, it makes my sick to my stomach, and with we are finding out that the mother of the child is 16 years old, and this is what she says and the video. they weren t worried about the video, because he had a clean diaper, and every kid cusses, and he is a smart little boy, an all of the cuss iing, h does not do that and the only other person does that and my son does not cuss like that, and i won t allow it. and you heard the mom, every kid does it, and you are a
doing to themselves. george? i disagree with charles. i think that the republicans are coming out of this very well. the president who said i never drew a red line regarding chemical weapons and did it, and then said he would not go to the sequester, and demonstrated the reporting that said it would and wanting continuing resolutions, and president who said he is not going to negotiate go g ing to negotiate. and the democrats precisely, because on that date, the
district is go g ing to suffer,d that is a form of hardball politics, that he can apply in other areas and say, if you are not with me, i will use my power to make sure i don t do any members of your district, and those are republican districts not swing districts that obama would not be likely to carry anyway so he is not doing himself any political damage, and you say, well, he might look petty, but i believe he might look strong and saying, no, i m tired of you jerking me around and being against my program and then benefiting from the program and running on it. that will stop. until he starts to say that kind of thing, it is harder for him to get the consensus he needs and unlike hi he will in any event, because we are so close to the election. indeed. and jonathan alter, tune in for the september 7th for the