after they staged a few photo ops of middle-aged island residents handing out sandwiches and hugging the migrants, those migrants were all summarily shipped off island. the compassion meter in edgar town stalled out at about # 48 hours. ever since the late 90 s, 1996 was my first report on the border under clinton, i have known this was a problem. and some democrats, even did care about the issue back then. but over time, it became clear that they do not give a rat s you know what about either the migrants themselves or the working class americans hurt by their flooding into the country and the democrats still don t care. did you know that last year more than 152,000 unaccompanied minor children crossed our border? and so far this year it s tens of thousands. where are the democrats on this? where is the squad? remember how they trashed trump for the conditions at briefly
Residents and environmental activists in off-island town of Hudson have been fighting for years to protect the forested wetlands near Sandy Beach. The developer that owns the land, Nicanco Holdings
The Île-aux-Tourtes bridge is down to two lanes in either direction, bringing rush hour traffic to a virtual standstill, and levels of frustration to an all-time high.The bridge is almost