it has become the single most predictable form of american television in this american way of death. there is nothing else that we can do, if we could think up a better way of doing, it we would. but we have no better idea of how to handle this. well, enjoy your show tonight, i ll be watching. thank you. fani willis speaks, and lindsey graham goes silent. that s a news day that we did not see coming. the normally silent full-time county district attorney fani willis gave an exclusive interview today, she discussed her grand jury investigation of republican interference into the republican election in georgia. she said that it was possible that donald trump could get hit with a subpoena to testify to that grand jury, just like lindsey graham. lindsey graham has been entrusts silent. since fani willis served him with a a subpoena to testify in georgia. he is the only current member of the united states senate to have been subpoenaed to testify to a grand jury. pretty sp
you covering. you don t with shootings. you never get better at. it it s just the repetition and the same stuff that you feel all the time. that is why people are fed up with. yes, we go through our ritual, our television ritual for this. it has become the single most predictable form of american television in this american way of death. there is nothing else that we can do, if we could think up a better way of doing, it we would. but we have no better idea of how to handle this. well, enjoy your show tonight, i ll be watching. thank you. fani willis speaks, and lindsey graham goes silent. that s a news day that we did not see coming. the normally silent full-time county district attorney fani willis gave an exclusive interview to nbc s, blake alexander. she discussed her grandeur investigation of republican interference in the republican election in georgia. she said that it was possible that donald trump could get hit with a subpoena to testify to that grand jury, jus
Peter Yeung THE WASHINGTON POST – By midmorning, beams of tropical sun cut through the rainforest canopy, illuminating a bamboo hut in a rare clearing of trees. Inside, a wrinkled old man, sitting cross-legged with his eyes shut, whispers blessings to the Earth. After the spiritual leader, the Ammatoa, goes silent, groups of men wearing […]
it has become the single most predictable form of american television in this american way of death. there is nothing else that we can do, if we could think up a better way of doing, it we would. but we have no better idea of how to handle this. well, enjoy your show tonight, i ll be watching. thank you. fani willis speaks, and lindsey graham goes silent. that s a news day that we did not see coming. the normally silent full-time county district attorney fani willis gave an exclusive interview today, she discussed her grand jury investigation of republican interference into the republican election in georgia. she said that it was possible that donald trump could get hit with a subpoena to testify to that grand jury, just like lindsey graham. lindsey graham has been