An actor who was featured in the Club van Sinterklaas confessed to committing sexual acts with an underage girl from Deventer. Prosecutors asked the District Court in Zwolle on Thursday to convict Tim de Z., and sentence him to 1.5 years in prison, including six months conditionally suspended.
Matt Simons
Matt Simons is an American singer-songwriter and musician based in New York. He released his debut album
Pieces on 19 June 2012 in the States, Gone being his debut single. The 10-track album with 9 being his own compositions was produced by Nashville producer and sound engineer Stephen Goose by David.
He released his first EP
Living Proof in 2010 and spent 2011 touring the United States and Europe, including the UK, Germany and the Netherlands. He usually plays piano and keyboards while singing. He also plays the saxophone, included improvised solos on the track Fall in Line and in live performances of I m Already Over You .