Bandai’s baby Shin Godzilla mop top glides and rampages to clean your floor Today 06:08 am JST Today | 07:02 am JST TOKYO
Before Godzilla was throwing down with King Kong, the King of the Monsters was also recently quietly becoming King of the Merchandise celebrating his 65th anniversary. With a humidifier that lights up the room with atomic breath (and even a burning version) and an amusement park attraction that lets you zip-line directly into the kaiju s mouth, Godzilla was on quite the rampage of goods.
So with his name back at the box office, it was only a matter of time before the kaiju king got back to his lineup of goods, this time by taking on the babyish second form he sported in Godzilla Resurgence (Shin Gojira) (2016). Unusually, Godzilla won t be causing a mess, but cleaning up your floors as a mop top cover.