border? nothing. what are they doing about china? where is the diplomatic aggression to say to china, stop doing this. stop poisoning our people. they aren t doing that. they are sending their people over there to suck up to china. janet yellen the other day, kerry, as you mentioned. it is absolutely unbelievable. a total abdication of responsibility. harris: you don t think the climate czar, john kerry, will go over and hold their feet to the fire in china? i mean, antony blinken the other week. humiliated. not on a one to len level like a little kid seated at the side of the table begging for china to sort of warm up the relationship instead of going there and saying to them either you deal with this or there won t be a relationship. they are killing our people. what are we doing about it? nothing. harris: great to have you in focus , steve hilton. thank you. thanks. harris: the president s
down. the inflation we saw is baked in the cake. if you go to the grocery store or get your gas fill-up or you buy an airline ticket or buy meat. all those things are up 15 1/2% and it will continue as we continue to have this inflation. now, wages over that same time period for middle class families are up roughly 12%. the math isn t difficult. 15% increase in inflation, 12% in wages. people are falling behind. they are feeling this. this is a middle class squeeze on americans now. harris: talk about a squeeze. retirement is becoming more difficult and really out of reach. one in five people say they do not believe they will ever be able to retire. 36% of those, 55 and older say they will be able to retire at the time that they are expected. only 36% of people.
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