from joseph himself. you re not just playing joseph, your name is joey, right? joseph, joey. joey believes that like joseph from the bible, god maz a plan for has a plan for him too. my mom had a child, and he passed, and my mom woke up in the middle of the night and said that god had told her that she would restore the son that he lost and she should name him joseph. and now i m in my first sight and sound show playing joseph. that s neat. it s one devine appointment after another that i believe god set up. blessed be the god of abraham, isaac, and, me. joey didn t play joseph every night. sight and sound has multiple casts for their multiple productions. but they all perform with equal passion and faith.
and after all of of that, god saw that it was good, and so it goes the story of humanity, our story begins. god created a man and a woman. and gave them a perfect place to live, a garden called eden. well the garden is depicted as an orchard, god gives them this, they can eat all the fruit they want. they live in peace with the animals and one another. it s an image of peace, completion, wholeness. when we imagine the garden of eden, most of us think of a paradise like this, the ultimate area, better than anything we could ever find on earth. but what does the bible actually say about where it all began? the biblical description is very short. it just says there are four rivers. and then the other two are actually kind of unknown.
world. and the drunkenness and bad behavior of his sons greatly displeased god. still, unsatisfied with his creation, he set out again to find the one man that he could trust above all others. he tries adam and eve, and that fails. he tries noah, and that fails. he s searching far human partner for a human partner. it s 20 generations after adam and eve that he first meets abraham. when we first meet abraham in the book of genesis, we re told that he had set wld his father and his wife sarah in a town called haran, a place where people were known to worship many different gods. and then, out of the blue, this lowly shepherd received a call from the god of the hebrew bible, sumening him to leave his home for a new life at once. god says to abraham, go to this land thatly show you and
the biblical joseph is one of jacob s 12 sons and he is clearly his father s favorite. good night, my precious joseph. and this makes joseph s brothers hate him. trying to take my place as the first born, are you? you re already father s favorite. you re not greater than we are. and it gets worse when joseph has dreams that he thinks a message is from god and brags about it. i was raised up, and then all of your sheeps bowed down to me. oops. all these inner family dynamics at work that really kind of created this boiling point with the brothers. like many modern families. exactly. and like in so many modern families, the bank robberies give into their brothers give into their jealousies and fears. he s delivered him to our hands, we can kill him now. in a biblical way. you lie and you did this.