Here Jesus talking about truth and truth and truth and I cannot emphasize enough that in till we grab a hold of what truth is we re going to be stumbling for the rest of our life as it says on every wave of doctrine and not having stability in our lives in which we live. I was at a meeting Tuesday with a group of men and one guy there was having all kinds of problems and trials and tribulations and quite frankly I although his story was sad he was on a pretty good pity party and he invited all of us to come to the pity party and most of us didn t want to come but there are a few that did but we kept talking about and this guy literally. Claims to be a born again Christian continues going to the Catholic Church that he goes to and is just a miserable life and he keeps talking about and the whole group talk about well we prayed and we prayed and I prayed I prayed I was wrong my prayers and pray and pray and pray and I really got sick of listening to this. And I finally had to say someth
Verse one chapter 15 of Exodus then saying Moses and the children of Israel this song Under the Lord spoke saying I will sing unto the Lord for he had triumphed gloriously the horse and his rider had the throne into the sea well remember in Revelation we are also singing the praises of the Lord because of his judgement of what he has done to the enemies of the law are 1st to the Lord is my strength and song has become my salvation is my God I will prepare him a habitation my father s God I will exalt him the Lord is a man of war tribulation stuff the Lord is his name pharaohs chariots of his host at the cast into the sea is chosen captains also are drowned in the Red Sea the depths have covered them they sank into the bottom as a stove looked out versus 11 just moving right along who is like under the old lord among the gods who is like the glorious in holiness fearful in praises doing wonders. Outside right hand the earth swallow them now and I Mercy has led forth the people whom tho
Jeremiah 31 and 32 let s thank the Lord for the blessing His word is in our lives Thank you Father for this time to gather together and hear from you encourage our hearts to keep seeking you in every area of our lives even the ones that look impossible in Jesus name amen Here s through the Bible with Dr j. Vernon McGee. Now friends here in Jeremiah we have come to a section that is bright indeed and it is very encouraging We have seen up to this point nothing in the world but judgment but here from Chapter 30 through 33 we have a contrast to the messages that we hand up to this point now these chapters 30313233 we have 4 chapters here now that constitute one song Our is hangs then Berg put it here you have the triumphal hymn of rails salvation and that s was the darkest moment in the history of the night and now as we indicated before Zedekiah was raining he would correspond a have been jazz it bell in the northern kingdom but of course they had long sense yes a period and I Kingdom
Of. You re listening to the real Tracy rock and oh my goodness we re just starting this night off right aren t we Christopher Yeah no kidding. Oh you know I tell you lead every time we have a topic that is challenging. There s always something that goes wrong and right now we re having a few technical difficulties but hey go figure that s life radio for you The Show Must Go On The Show Must Go on we have our friend Rick Smith on the line but for some reason he is not able to hear us oh yes I hear can you hear me now wow what just happened I got to talking to. The Holy Spirit just through the line right there. Praying right now promises Wow that was the most bizarre thing we just had like 10 minutes of trying to figure out how to get you on the line. I can Right right I can hear you now know it s been one of those days like that. It s always one of those days yeah yeah I got people I m like pray as a spirit I mean I think exactly what I m telling so I can t tell you what s going on b
Snow. You know what is about to take place here in the near future so you know with him telling us what to look for that s an awesome think I mean why would you why would you warn somebody haven t pending danger you know because you love them and you want them to know and like given the chance to you know base things right you know because you love them but you know and it s written in his book many times where we re commanded to read the Bible and you might have heard it is written some time in your history but I remember when I watched the movie The 10 Commandments it seemed like every every other word was it was written so so and now that I ve been reading the Bible I know now I know why and how is that right there you know that it s written so he did leave us this word and it is directions so none of us can say that we didn t know and I myself didn t know until a few years ago when I started really really really really reading the Bible so what I have found out is something so mir