Il governo illegittimo di Dina Boluarte ha dichiarato lo stato di emergenza in diverse regioni e il coprifuoco a Puno di fronte alle continue proteste contro il colpo di Stato.
With industrial militancy growing and spreading across Britain, the Tories and bosses are pushing for further restrictions on workers’ right to strike. The trade union leaders must organise a militant fightback to smash these laws to pieces.
Le gouvernement illégitime de Dina Boluarte au Pérou a déclaré l état d urgence dans plusieurs régions et un couvre-feu à Puno, face aux protestations continues contre le coup d État.
إن اقتحام الكونغرس والقصر والمحكمة العليا أول أمس (08 يناير) من قبل مجموعات من أنصار بولسونارو -ضدا على نتيجة الانتخابات الرئاسية وللمطالبة بالتدخل العسكري- يجب أن يتم نبذه بشدة ومكافحته من قبل الحركات العمالية والشعبية والطلابية.
Since returning to power in 2021, the Taliban in Afghanistan have subjected women to a brutal regime of oppression, whilst the whole population has been plunged into an abyss of hunger, disease and misery. Now, women have been excluded from education, leading to renewed protests.