cowboys or oversexualizing a culture and there went my costume, because i just spent four weeks crocheting some sexy hot pants, but i guess we are back to the goblins, and this is all part of what i call the cower power, and the schools are caring about the sensitivities of the groups, when they are terrified of the victim hoods, and victim hoods are the thuggish cry babies who perceive it as hurtful as something as dumb as dressing up. this is like a bullying mob. they are not offended by the costumes, but it feels good to have a impact especially when you are a zero and now they are the intolerant skull, and they relike dean of animal and this halloween, i want to go as chris mathews and i m not going to go to the bathroom for six days so that by halloween, i
they said specifically to no cowboys or oversexualizing a culture and there went my costume, because i just spent four weeks crocheting some sexy hot pants, but i guess we are back to the goblins, and this is all part of what i call the cower power, and the schools are caring about the sensitivities of the groups, when they are terrified of the victim hoods, and victim hoods are the thuggish cry babies who perceive it as hurtful as something as dumb as dressing up. this is like a bullying mob. they are not offended by the costumes, but it feels good to have a impact especially when you are a zero and now they are the intolerant skull, and they relike dean of animal house and this halloween, i want to go as chris mathews and i m not going to go to the bathroom for six days so that by halloween, i
entire body of evidence to be used against them by themselves. in other words, the entire body of evidence of this crime was created by the defendants or the suspects. they re providing it. if they hadn t taken the video, there would be nothing. not only are they providing it, they put it on facebook for all the world to see. now video, there couldn t be any charges. however, when it comes to defacing a monument or whatever the charges are, this is not a case where you have the lincoln memorial or something with a plaque. these are just one of these goblins, as they call them, these rocks many in the park. the question arises, were they aware they were defacing a monument. it s something that may not be marked and is a rock. the question becomes, are they on the hook if they pushed over a rock in the park? i don t know how many stories we have do, but i m consistently surprised by what people seem to do and the videos they post for the world to see.
[ male announcer ] every thought. every movement. .carefully planned, coordinated and synchronized. performing together with a single, united purpose. that s what makes the world s leading airline. flyer friendly. (nervous) (screaming) never again grace elizabeth life insurance from new york life can help your family keep good going. when she s happy, she writes about bunnies. when she s sad, she writes about goblins. [ balloon pops, goblin growling ] she wrote a lot about goblins
and towns for six people or you are used to getting something for nothing. if there was a brief message to deliver wito president obama? for those of us who possess that mountain pride, leave us alone. the unintended consequences of welfare. might this person can exhibit a. get on thiter during the break, tell us what you think. [ male announcer ] susan writes children s books. when she s happy, she writes about bunnies. when she s sad, she writes about goblins. [ balloon pops, goblin growling ] she wrote a lot about goblins after getting burned in the market. but she found someone to talk to and gained the confidence to start investing again. and that s what you call a storybook ending.