it s really bright, its bright green, really bright white shapes, and then in the green and the clouds, there are like goblins and lizards coming. and i just can t sleep. i can t shut down from it. one thing that helps stop the visions and helps nina to cope is music. with the music, the fact that ijust lose myself, it helps me forget and i feel like i am included. i don t feel different. i don t feel disabled in that crowd. nina has spent months preparing for glastonbury, finding a way to make it easier and more accessible. this is the tent we are going to be using for glastonbury. she has been used a few times now. usually, in this space, we would have this open and we have the two bedrooms here, so this is one bedroom and we would normally have airbeds in here but we ve decided to use camping beds. it s about being organised and
people. the anti-vax movement has been putting a dangerous target on the backs of young people. the absolute scariest. ahaaaa! and do you want to know the substance of my spooky nightmare? come closer. closer. closer. ghosts or goblins that go boo. it s what americans can look like in january, 2025. the republican party is a lot of things, antidemocracy, antivoting, antihistory, geraint fact, deeply opposed to anti-racism. what they are not is pro-life. the mod were day republican party is the living embodiment of the race to the bottom. ha, ha, ha. back quickly are michael, tiffany, and my hair journey is
How are you going to run from a war, or do whatever needs doing, during a war if you are literally in the worst shape of your life and have actively destroyed your sensibilities?
Eventbrite - Avoca Reaction presents The Queer Cabaret: Double Trouble with special guest Shane Daniel Byrne - Tuesday, 22 February 2022 at Bow Lane Social - Eat-Drink-Dance-Club, Dublin, Dublin. Find event and ticket information.