earlier in the program where you see young kids with handguns, with assault weapons just going out in the street and spraying the street and killing people. what s going on? well, you know, there are a few different things. there is always a challenge of community. it takes a village to raise a child. i think we need to make sure we invest in our young people. i grew up without a father in my home. i had a lot of other people, including a police officer who helped and raised me along the way. we need to do more of that with our young people. i have to go back to firearms, how is that it a 13-year-old, 14-year-old gets access to firearms so easily. that s why i support the president s plans with the atf to make sure we crack down on illegal gun traffickers, making sure we crack down on goat guns. these things are getting into the ghost guns. these things are getting into the hands of kids and are having fatal results in places like kansas city, chicago and throughout the country. ch