paycheck and some use credit cards to make ends meet the number 1 killer of young americans in in country is now fentanyl. that s pouring across the wide open southern border of joe biden. deaths from drug overoses are higher than ever before. and according to biden we are the closest to ever to a worldwide nuclear armageddon but the economy is strong as hell. with the democrats in charge of everything it s a disaster. according to joe everything is just swell, great and we should all be thanking him. take a look. we are starting to see some of the good news on the economy. the price of gas at the pump is coming down. look what i inherited and what i did. they are going to raise big pharma profits. they are not hurting at all. they will raise your health insurance premiums. it s mega-maga trickle down. the policies that failed the country before and will fail it again. sean: let s look at what joe inherited. energy independence. joe biden ended that. $2 gallon gasoline
might speak out against them and anybody who might want to work with donald trump in the future and especially anyone should my father-in-law run in 2024 who may vote for him. we endured this month s long charade by the democrats and we are 2 weeks away from the very important mid-term elections. they had to do something. which was charge steve bannon with this unprecedented charge. it s a banana republic trial. if you are upset in america, fight back. go vote on november 8. vote those people out and vote republicans in. we have to get back our country. we can t operate going forward. sean: i agree.