for which the u.s. will pay dearly, the u.s. will keep up the economic pressure on north korea, letting kim jong-un feel the effects over time of what could be a billion dollar revenue loss. on the other hand, as you point out, the administration cannot let this go on indefinitely, since u.s. intelligence now believes kim could have a nuclear tipped missile capable of hitting the u.s. as early as next year, but as you know, david, president trump has said he will not let that happen. and a military option remains on the table if the sanctions d not show results, david. martha raddatz, watching the situation in north korea for us. thank you, martha. there is news on russia tonight amid new images intended to impress the russian people of vladimir putin on vacation. secretary of state rex tillerson with stern words for his russian counterpart telling russia s foreign minister sergey lavrov, during a meeting in the