our hearts leslie. thank you for the laughs and for the light, for the love, and your incredible warmth. you will truly be missed. and on that beautiful and very sad note, i wish you all the best. from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thank you for staying up late with us. i will see you at the end of tomorrow. tomorrow so, here s how it worked in 2020. two years ago, almost exactly in october 2020, we reported here on this show on something that we first learned about from one of the great historic gigantic radio stations and the united states, that the michigan behemoth that is wwj radio in detroit, michigan. wwj has been on the air for more than 100 years. they re just a huge deal in american broadcasting history. they are still on the air today. they are still a big deal today. and just about exactly two years ago, on october, 2020, we learned about a story that was broken by a reporter at wwj, named sandra mcneill. sandra mcneill had gotten a tip fr
it for free. you get the absolute sent to the podcast app on your phone every week. just tap on the little plus sign in the upper right hand corner. that has you following the show. and then you to every new episode when it comes out each week. scroll down through the episodes, pick up the one you want. i recommend starting with the first one. but if you want to treat yourself to the one we just published today, i m, telling norma s voice is a thing of wild and furious wonder that will keep you awake for days. new episode today and another episode will come out next monday, get it wherever you get your podcasts. that does it for us tonight, i will see you again soon. now it is time for the last word with lawrence o donnell. i m just finishing my notes on how you listen to a podcast. so, i m feeling, i can t believe it, i can t believe i m sitting here at 10 pm on a monday and i haven t listened to episode four. one and two, i listened to them immediately when they came out
senator who died in a mysterious plane crash in 1940 and that mysterious plane crashes what starts episode one of my new podcast. which is called rachel maddow presents. ultra. episode one is where you get to meet senator ernst lundy. norman s husband. episode four is out just as of today. that is when we get to meet normal. the senator s wife. if you are like me, the sound of her voice might start haunting your voice once you ve heard it. you can get ultra for free wherever you get your podcasts. if you ve been wondering where one gets a podcast, don t feel bad. don t be shy, it happens. personally i get mine using my iphone through the very basic podcasts app they put on your phone automatically even if you ve never used it. a little purple square that says podcasts. just pop that square, open the app and search for ultra and ultra maddow should pop up in the suggestions. go ahead tap on, that tap on the podcast, and then you get