There’s so much happening at once to a high schooler that most of the time life seems like a whirlwind. The future is racing after you as fast as you’re hauling down the high school hallway to beat the second bell to algebra. And in the middle of trying to deal with grades, college applications and extracurricular activities, you’re still dealing with puberty. Your libido is finally kicking in. It’s so much to handle at once. “
Jeremy” is a film that delves into these times in a teenager’s life with documentary techniques and tone that keeps it grounded and relatable.
Cast: John Travolta, Glynnis O Connor, Robert Reed, Diana Hyland
Storyline: Based on a true story, Tod Lubitch is born with a deficient immune system (which is unlike being born with AIDS). As such, he must spend the rest of his life in a completely sterile environment. His room is completely hermetically sealed against bacteria and virus, his food is specially prepared, and his only human contact comes in the form of gloved hands. The movie follows his life into a teenager.
3 months ago
There’s no question that from almost out the gate in March 1977, ABC was going to have a hit on its hands with
Eight is Enough, the comedy-drama based on the true story as chronicled in the book of the same name by Tom Braden. How could it miss, with
Diana Hyland as parents Tom and Joan Bradford, with a cast that included a number of future teen idols? But what was completely unexpected was that Diana would lose a sudden and intense battle with cancer that would claim her life after only four episodes had been shot.