Connie s story: Gloriavale leaver who reported father to police opens home to him
32 minutes to read
She escaped from Gloriavale and told police of the years of physical abuse she and her younger sister endured at the hands of their father. But when it was his time to get out, she took him in as she navigated the normal things most of us take for granted: technology, fashion, earning her own money and relationships. Now her family is at the centre of a civil case set to shake up the commune, writes Alanah Eriksen.
It may seem pretty normal.
A young mum in ripped jeans on a Saturday morning in a house of her own giving her two sons a glass of chocolate milk each. The little boys then playing in their lounge filled with colourful toys and watching cartoons, their mum speaking the odd word in te reo Māori.
Former Gloriavale member John Ready launches civil court action against leadership trust
10 Feb, 2021 11:00 PM
4 minutes to read
John Ready, who was banished from Gloriavale more than three years ago and who still has family members inside the community, has launched a civil claim at the High Court.
John Ready, who was banished from Gloriavale more than three years ago and who still has family members inside the community, has launched a civil claim at the High Court.
A former Gloriavale member who has launched a potentially landmark legal case to try and remove the leadership of the West Coast religious commune has got his first day in court today.
Former Gloriavale member Peter Faithful found after going missing for a week
20 Dec, 2020 10:19 PM
Quick Read
An ex-Gloriavale member reported missing by a leavers support group has been found safe after a week-long disappearance.
Peter Faithful lived at the remote religious community of Gloriavale on the West Coast for over 40 years.
But for the past two years, the 62-year-old has spent time in mental health facilities and then with family in Christchurch. Faithful is mentally unwell and there are serious concerns for his welfare, the Gloriavale Leavers Support Trust said last week after Faithful had not been seen since leaving his Bishopdale home on December 12.