gloria got involved with the wrong crowd. the regulars at neve a house included gary and joanne masse. the day after gloria was arrested, gary finally turned himself in. gary was known to use a lot of valium, and he mixed it with street drugs including heroin, and he was catatonic. gary refused to answer questions. but his wife had already confessed for him and implicated gloria. two days later with gunman stephen desantis still on the run, gary and gloria were arraigned together in a capital murder case. the electric chair flashed in front of my eyes. there is something about hearing the word death. that really does take you to another plane. gloria was held without bail for four months. and when she finally got a hearing to determine if prosecutors could proceed to trial, she was shocked to see the judge.
the make or break witness. if you have reason not to believe him, then you have some lack of confidence in the jury verdict. the testimony of a thoroughly discredited perjurer, that s what they said. we would say he is a [ bleep ] liar. cleveland also should have disclosed his deal with masse. gary masse should have been confronted with the fact that he really did have a deal with the prosecution. in a fair proceeding, a jury should hear it all. together, hawkins wrote, these errors were devastating to confidence in the process. still, prosecutor cleland fought the ruling all the way to the supreme court without success. six months later, gloria was freed. in a rare step, the state bar eventually admonished cleland for hiding evidence. the state of california finally stood up and said, this is not right. the d.a. s office chose not
joanne was now suspected of committing similar robberies with her husband, so the case came down to the star witness. gary masse. gloria is almost relieved. they re not going to take the word of a career criminal over me. that would make no sense. the jurors are instructed, they don t have to believe gary masse. and they listened and they found him to be credible. masse testified that he met gloria at niva snyder s house and she recruited him to rob the davies. gary masse says, we went here, we went there, and i did it with gloria killian. and masse was hard to cross-examine. because it was a conspiracy case, they didn t to have prove anything, gloria actually did which made it very hard for the defense to discredit him. gary masse was so loaded during this crime. so he got around an awful lot of it by saying, i don t remember, i don t recall.
story. gloria was involved but only as a pawn of the real masterminds. and eventually masse cut her out of the deal. but after masse was convicted he told cleland what he wanted to hear, that gloria planned the crime. the testimony completely changes. yeah, yeah, she might have been involved in the beginning but really, she had nothing to do with it. that s not unusual for witnesses to hedge but gary masse never came off the point that gloria killian told him about the davies and that she went with him to the house a week or so before. so he is trustworthy? gary masse says to the judge, i lied on the stand. straight up. the conviction is invalid but that s not the way the evidentiary hearing turned out. judge hollows ruled that gary s perjury amounted to
shop. okay. now it sounds like someone casing the davies themselves. and the question, where garage, that would be where the silver is that the perpetrators are looking for. that s frankly damning to miss killian. gloria explained that during law school she moonlighted serving subpoenas. i had a lot of one, two-word notes. i had descriptions of houses. 30 miles out of town in elk grove or next door. she had pages and pages of all kinds of information. the police pulled a few pages out as evidence but it is evidence of nothing. cleland argued repeatedly that gloria was less credible than gary masse. masse could be believed, he