president and bernie sanders, the chairman of the budget committee. gloria gorborger, good to se you, and congrats on your award over the weekend. well deserved. thank you, thank you. imagine being on an airplane that s forced to land after a security alert but there s no real threat and the real reason is politics. more on this wild story, and what ryanair calls a state sponsored hijacking. eekend. at thrivent, we believe money is a tool, not a goal. to learn more, text thrive to 444555, or visit lo que pasó fueron las consecuencias de una rumba loca y fue tan loca que nos merecemos otra otra aventura en tu cuerpo más not all 5g networks are created equal. otra vez otra aventura en tu cuerpo más
happen. i have to tell you, there are 80 freshmen republicans, 60 of whom have never held elected office before. and some of them are saying, i m not sure it s going to be so terrible. these are the people that john boehner has to talk to. for some of these people, it s not negotiating talk. but it is the burden of leadership right now because john boehner runs the house of representatives. and boehner and cantor aren t freshmen. gloria, great to talk to you. coming up next, the other most important economic issue facing americans today. is it being ignored as a result of all of this focus on the deficit? and emissions like ecopia tires. even making parts for solar panels that harness the sun s energy. working on social activities like clean up programs on beaches in many locations.
some serious concessions from democrats. we have over $50 trillion in unfunded liabilities. all of them are unsustainable. we need to raise the debt ceiling both short term, medium term and long term. that s what it would take to get my vote. will cain is a cnn contributor. secretary geithner said not raising the debt ceiling would be catastrophic for the economy. he concedes no one knows for certain in the event that it s not raised. are republicans willing to risk sending this fragile recovery that we re in into chaos to find out if they re right? no. but neither are democrats. let me tell you why i m so certain about this. the debt ceiling has been raised 74 times since 1962. second, the consequences for not raising the debt ceiling are dire and everyone knows it. i have my prop here. the issue is, if we don t raise the debt ceiling, the government cannot issue new debt. the problem is we take in 60 cents for every dollar we spent. we spend 40% more than we take in
that s not exactly what we re hearing from a lot of other conservatives. gloria gorborger is with us. 60% of americans say they oppose raising the debt ceiling, just 37% would be in favor of raising it. that would seem to bolster the republican argument that they want severe cuts in exchange for their vote to raise that credit limit. let s say the debt ceiling is not raised and the u.s. does, as will postulates, possibly default on some of its payments. are the consequences as dire as secretary geithner warns? is the public going to blame republicans who voted no or democrats who wouldn t girlfriend them the cuts? what s going to happen? the public will blame everyone. i think first of all the congress, and that means democrats, republicans and also the president of the united states needs to go out there as the secretary of the treasury has and explain what the consequences are. it s very clear from looking at