ABANDONED. The four minors abandoned by their parents, who are members of the CPP-NPA, pose with Lt. Col. J-Jay Javines, commanding officer of Army's 79th Infantry Battalion (2nd from left), municipal social welfare personnel, and village officials of Barangay Hilub-ang in Calatrava, Negros Occidental, during their meeting on Jan. 20, 2022. The children last saw their parents in October 2021 when they left them to a woman, an alleged NPA mass base supporter in the remote village.(Photo courtesy of 79IB, Philippine Army) BACOLOD CITY - Four Negrense minors, who were abandoned by their parents who are members of the Communist Party of the Philippines - New People's Army (CPP-NPA), have been assisted by the municipal government of Calatrava in Negros Occidental. The children's plight was reported by the Philippine Army's 79th Infantry Battalion (79IB) based in northern Negros to the Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office (MSWDO) on January 20 after troops patrolli
ABANDONED. The four minors abandoned by their parents, who are members of the CPP-NPA, pose with Lt. Col. J-Jay Javines, commanding officer of Army's 79th Infantry Battalion (2nd from left), municipal social welfare personnel, and village officials of Barangay Hilub-ang in Calatrava, Negros Occidental, during their meeting on Jan. 20, 2022. The children last saw their parents in October 2021 when they left them to a woman, an alleged NPA mass base supporter in the remote village.(Photo courtesy of 79IB, Philippine Army) BACOLOD CITY - Four Negrense minors, who were abandoned by their parents who are members of the Communist Party of the Philippines - New People's Army (CPP-NPA), have been assisted by the municipal government of Calatrava in Negros Occidental. The children's plight was reported by the Philippine Army's 79th Infantry Battalion (79IB) based in northern Negros to the Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office (MSWDO) on January 20 after troops patrolli