“Innovative Greeks” is a newly established initiative, a network launched the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEB) and Endeavor Greece, a non-profit organisation that supports high-impact entrepreneurs in emerging markets to fuel economic growth. The aim of the network is to bring together Greek entrepreneurs, investors, managers and researchers across the globe with fast growing Greek startups. Through this open community of knowledge Greek startups will have the opportunity to cooperate with leading companies, exchange know-how, explore new markets and grow.
The two groups, SEV and Endeavor, joined forces to create a community of innovative Greeks that will benefit Greece’s economic prospects, create growth and jobs, and increase the resilience of the Greek economy. The initiative has already gained the support of the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, the Hellenic Initiative, the Hellenic Innovation Network, the ARGO – Brussels Hellenic Network, Greektech, the Con