Cryptocurrencies slipped on Thursday but without falling through recent lows, as enough traders clung to hopes that the asset class can claw its way back from last week s plunge.. | May 27, 2021
Cryptocurrencies slip as bounce momentum ebbs; Bitcoin slips 4% to $37,600
Bitcoin dropped 4% in Asia to about $37,600 and the next biggest crypto token, ether, was down 7.5% at $2,676 - leaving both well above deep week-ago troughs but miles shy of the record highs they scaled in April
Reuters | May 27, 2021 | Updated 15:04 IST
Cryptocurrencies slipped on Thursday but without falling through recent lows, as enough traders clung to hopes that the asset class can claw its way back from last week s plunge. Bitcoin dropped 4% in Asia to about $37,600 and the next biggest crypto token, ether, was down 7.5% at $2,676 - leaving both well above deep week-ago troughs but miles shy of the record highs they scaled in April.
Cryptocurrency prices slipped on Thursday but without falling through recent lows, as enough traders clung to hopes that the asset class can claw its way back from last week s plunge.
Cryptos turn choppy as bounce momentum ebbs
05/27/2021 6:22
SINGAPORE (Reuters) -Cryptocurrencies slipped on Thursday but without falling through recent lows, as enough traders clung to hopes that the asset class can claw its way back from last week s plunge.
Bitcoin dropped 4% in Asia to about $37,600 and the next biggest crypto token, ether, was down 7.5% at $2,676 - leaving both well above deep week-ago troughs but miles shy of the record highs they scaled in April.
Some analysts said the falls felt relatively modest compared with recent volatility and pointed to a market finding a floor, though it is clear regulatory attention and wavering enthusiasm from Tesla boss Elon Musk are going to remain major risks.
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Cryptocurrencies slipped on Thursday but without falling through recent lows, as enough traders clung to hopes that the asset class can claw its way back from last week s plunge.
Bitcoin dropped 4% in Asia to about $37,600 and the next biggest crypto token, ether, was down 7.5% at $2,676 - leaving both well above deep week-ago troughs but miles shy of the record highs they scaled in April. Some analysts said the falls felt relatively modest compared with recent volatility and pointed to a market finding a floor, though it is clear regulatory attention and wavering enthusiasm from Tesla boss Elon Musk are going to remain major risks.