TT Electronics plc (OTCMKTS:TTGPF – Get Rating)’s stock price rose 2.1% on Monday . The company traded as high as $2.42 and last traded at $2.42. Approximately 1,000 shares traded hands during mid-day trading, a decline of 59% from the average daily volume of 2,425 shares. The stock had previously closed at $2.37. TT Electronics […]
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CHILLICOTHE - Gov. Mike DeWine visited the Pickaway-Ross Career and Technology Center, in Chillicothe, Friday to meet with students and manufacturers that partner with the school for workforce development opportunities.
TT Electronics (OTCMKTS:TTGPF – Get Rating) was upgraded by Zacks Investment Research from a “sell” rating to a “hold” rating in a note issued to investors on Tuesday, reports. According to Zacks, “TT electronics plc manufactures electronic and electrical components for the automotive, telecommunication and industrial engineering sectors. Its operating segment includes Transportation Sensing […]