G20 Summit in Bali: According to officials while the two leaders were in conversation, Indonesian President Joko Widodo joined in and it became a trilateral among the two visiting delegates and the host.
G20 grouping, including India, the US, and the EU, on Wednesday pledged to take coordinated actions to ensure strong and resilient global recovery delivering jobs and growth.
The G20 Bali Leaders' Declaration was issued after the conclusion of the two-day summit, which was attended top global leaders.
At today's critical moment for the global economy, it is essential that the G20
G20 Summit LIVE News: Prime Minister Modi also reinstated India’s commitment to clean energy and the environment while adding that half of the country’s electricity will be generated using renewable sources by 2030.
The post-Covid recovery has run out of steam. The latest update to the Brookings-Financial Times Tracking Indexes for the Global Economic Recovery (TIGER)
The post-Covid recovery has run out of steam. The latest update to the Brookings-Financial Times Tracking Indexes for the Global Economic Recovery (Tiger) shows that growth momentum, as well as financial market and confidence indicators, have deteriorated markedly around the world in recent months, many countries are either in or on the brink of outright recession.