The Dow was down 289 points, or 1 per cent, at the market open. The S&P 500 fell 1.1 per cent and The Nasdaq composite was 1.1 per cent lower, CNN reported.
Despite a recent rebound, speculators in the international copper market, considered an indicator of the world's economic health, reported a global downturn.
Despite a recent rebound, speculators in the international copper market, considered an indicator of the world's economic health, reported a global downturn.
revenues, has been devastated, first by the terrorist bombings in 2019 and then by the covid pandemic. the war in ukraine has also added to rising food and fuel prices. the global downturn has meant sri lankans living overseas have sent less money home. but the protesters also blame this man, the outgoing president gotabaya rajapaksa, part of a family dynasty dominated politics for two decades. he banned fertiliser imports, supposedly to make sri lanka more organic, but it devastated the rice crop and letter food shortages. but it devastated the rice crop and letterfood shortages. he also cut taxes and left the government are struggling to pay bills. and he borrowed heavily, leaving foreign debt worth $50 billion, much of it owed to china, and servicing that has drained currency reserves living little left to buy food imports. so the president has now fled leaving a political vacuum as mps
know where their next meal is coming from. why is the economy in such dire straits? tourism, a major source of foreign revenues, has been devastated, first by the terrorist bombings in 2019 and then by the covid pandemic. the war in ukraine has also added to rising food and fuel prices. the global downturn has meant sri lankans living overseas have sent less money home. but the protesters also blame this man, the outgoing president gotabaya rajapaksa, part of a family dynasty that s dominated politics for two decades. he banned fertiliser imports, supposedly to make sri lanka more organic, but it devastated the rice crop and led to food shortages. he also cut taxes and this left the government struggling to pay its bills. and he borrowed heavily, leaving foreign debt worth $50 billion, much of it owed to china, and servicing that has drained currency reserves, leaving little left