Vadodara: Four prominent schools in the city will have to cough up over Rs 1 crore after the Fee Regulation Committee (FRC) in Vadodara ruled against them on complaints of overcharging fees and taking charges or fees under heads that were not included in their approved fee structure.
The orders were issued by the FRC after it received complaints from a section of parents against Podar World School, Podar International School, Delhi Public School (DPS) at Harni and DPS at Kalali.
The committee passed an order asking Podar World School to pay Rs 2 lakh as fine as it came to light that it was charging late fees from students. The school used to charge Rs 300 per week for delay in paying the fees.
The schools can appeal against the decision of the FRC in the revision committee or the court
VADODARA: Four prominent schools in the city will have to cough up over Rs one crore in fees refund and fine after the Fee Regulation Committee (FRC) in Vadodara ruled against them on complaints of overcharging fees and taking charges or fees under heads that were not included in their approved fee structure.
The orders were issued by the FRC after it received complaints from a section of parents against Podar World School, Podar International School, Delhi Public School (DPS) at Harni and DPS at Kalali. The excess fees was charged for academic year 2019-20.