The Jay Kailash Namkeen IPO saw strong demand, with a subscription of over 38.03 times. The SME IPO garnered 6,21,26,400 share applications against the offered 1,34,99,200 shares. In the retail category, the subscription was 50.99 times, with 3,95,68,000 shares applied for against the offered 7,76,000 shares.
Jay Kailash Namkeen IPO Allotment: The allotment for the Jay Kailash Namkeen IPO is expected to be finalised today. Investors can monitor their allotment status through the registrar, Skyline Financial Services Private Limited, or the BSE website.
The Jay Kailash Namkeen IPO was subscribed over 3.38 times on the second day of subscription. The SME IPO received 55,13,600 share application against offered 16,33,600 shares, on Monday, April 1.
The K2 Infragen IPO was subscribed over 1.44 times on the second day of bidding. The SME IPO received 35,47,200 share applications against offered 24,60,000 shares.
The momentum of the IPO is expected to continue this year as well with bigger deals. Investors are eager to tap stock market ahead of general elections. Sentiment towards new-age companies has improved as well, said Arvinder Singh Nanda, Senior Vice President, of Master Capital Services Ltd