<div class="at-above-post addthis tool" data-url="http://www.metro.us/why-are-people-turning-to-psychedelics-like-ayahuasca/"></div>HILDALE, Utah (AP) Ayahuasca is a psychedelic tea whose roots go back hundreds of years to ceremonial use by Indigenous groups in the Amazon region. It’s widely used in South America where it is legal in several countries, including Peru and Brazil. But in the United States, it remains illegal because the brew contains […]<! AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on get the excerpt ><! AddThis Advanced Settings below via filter on get the excerpt ><! AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on get the excerpt ><! AddThis Share Buttons above via filter on get the excerpt ><! AddThis Share Buttons below via filter on get the excerpt ><div class="at-below-post addthis tool" data-url="http://www.metro.us/why-are-people-turning-to-psychedelics-like-a