Crime by Jacob Miley
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Subscriber only THE son of slain bikie Shane Bowden is facing a murder charge in South Australia for a death that occurred just weeks before his notorious father was gunned down execution-style on the Gold Coast. Kain Mazomenos, 24, was charged with murder in September over the unrelated death of Adelaide man Victor Codea. Bikie Shane Bowden with his son Kain. His identity can now be revealed after a long-running suppression order was lifted in a South Australian court on April 27. The Bulletin was prevented from reporting Mazomenos murder charge in October last year, but at the time wrote that Bowden had been rocked by a family crisis in the lead up to his death.
Crime by Jacob Miley
Premium Content
Subscriber only THE son of slain bikie Shane Bowden is facing a murder charge in South Australia for a death that occurred just weeks before his notorious father was gunned down execution-style on the Gold Coast. Kain Mazomenos, 24, was charged with murder in September over the unrelated death of Adelaide man Victor Codea. Bikie Shane Bowden with his son Kain. His identity can now be revealed after a long-running suppression order was lifted in a South Australian court on April 27. The Bulletin was prevented from reporting Mazomenos murder charge in October last year, but at the time wrote that Bowden had been rocked by a family crisis in the lead up to his death.