It wasn’t just China and Ukraine. House Republicans claimed in a Wednesday morning press conference that the Biden family pocketed money from a businessman in Romania while Joe Biden was VP, too.
If the Biden family is corrupt, why has no one done anything about it?That’s the question Glenn Beck is asking after more news on the family has broken: a whistleblower claiming to have information that could massively incriminate Joe Biden. Beck reads a statement on the whistleblower’s findings fro.
Joe Biden has announced his run for re-election in 2024, and Democrat voters are less than enthused. In recent man-on-the-street interviews conducted by ABC News, former Biden voters say they would prefer it if their candidate wasn’t Biden. A Pennsylvania voter, Soneyet Muhammed, tells ABC’s Martha .
Does a child have a better memory than Joe Biden?According to recent footage, yes.Glenn Beck shares a clip of Joe Biden speaking to a crowd, unable to recall where he had recently traveled. “I’m trying to think, what was the last, where was the last place I was, it’s hard to keep track,” Biden said..