Our memory is not only the key to who we are as individuals but to who we are as a society as well. “Entities, which lose their memory people, groups, churches, nations lose not just the mere knowledge of their past of who they were or have been, but they also lose the knowledge of themselve.
When you piece together everything currently going on in our nation, it’s “a pretty bleak picture,” says Glenn Beck. We’re at a breaking point in America – a point where “the death of the Republic and the death of … the American experiment” are knocking on our door. People fear that war is coming, b.
We are in what is possibly the final battle for the American way of life, Glenn says. But it's by no means a physical battle. It's a spiritual battle against true evil and Glenn warns that if we don't keep it that way, it will be the death of the American experiment. But as the Left's tactics grow dirtier, we shouldn't lose hope.
The COVID pandemic showed us all just how fragile America’s supply chain can be. So, what will happen if there’s another possibly an even worse breakdown? And more specifically, what will happen to our medicine supplies? It’s something JASE Medical’s Founder and CEO, Dr. Shawn Rowland, thinks about often.
War continues to loom, especially now with the world’s most sinister nations Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, and others working toward strengthened nuclear programs with the West as target #1. In this clip, Glenn details the latest in the nuclear arms race…which America seems to be losing.