Swimmer. And it has been 30 years since paully class was kidnapped. The big Healthcare Strike in the United States could be coming to the bay area, when it could start and what it could mean for doctor appointments. Im andrea nakano. Im brian hackney. A shark attack off the marin county coast. Searching for a missing swimmer who is believed to have been bitten by the shark. Authorities say it happened off Wildcat Beach. Three men went out for a swim at Wildcat Beach when they say a shark attacked one of them. Two people swam back to shore, but they told First Responders there waa large pool of blood in the water. Authorities say the three swimmers were camping with a group of about 10 to 15 people above the beach. But there were no one in the water with the victim. The further amount of time, it decreases the chance of survivability. To my knowledge, yeah, this could be the first fatal shark attack. But were hopeful hell be found. According to tracking sharks, theres been 32 shark bite
Common Pleas New Cases County Treasurer, Lisbon, vs. Shirley Harrison, New Waterford; delinquent property tax foreclosure sought for Boardman Street, New Wa